Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunday August 24

I haven't blogged lately and I have to tell you why. On the 24th my family and I attended the dedication of the Twin Falls Temple. This temple has become special to my family and I since we toured it.

The morning after I posted last about Ken's layoff I went to the temple in Boise. As I prayed and contemplated what to do now that we have no income I had a few thoughts. We will be guided though this. I know that. I wondered why we had just spent some of our savings on a family vacation. I wondered why we had just bought a van. It became clear to me that these things were supposed to happen now, before the layoff.

About a year ago in sacrament meeting our Stake President asked each of the members of our stake to prepare to gather in the temple one year from that date on September 9th. He challenged everyone to set the date and go. We were also challenged to read the Book of Mormon in it's entirety by then. My family and I had already started reading it so we have kept up. We should finish it by the end of the year.

After I left the temple on the 23rd I thought about how many days were left until the Stake Temple Day. I thought that if I started reading the BOM on Sunday at the dedication of the temple that would have 16 days to finish the book. I made a little challenge for myself. We arrived early (as we were supposed to) to the dedication and I read through 1 Nephi 17 that day. Since then I have averaged 35 pages a day and I am on track to finish reading it the morning of the 9th.

That is why I haven't posted. I tell you this not to brag, but to testify to you of the difference I have felt in my life. I am not finished yet but I have already gained so much. I have learned so much and I have placed so many other projects aside and focused solely on this.

Yesterday we all had the day off so we took our kids to help Ken's sister and her husband move. We are tying to teach our kids how to work. It was amazing. There was no contention among them the entire day! They all said that they loved the experience.

I had originally thought to sell some items on eBay to help with our financial situation. Since reading the Book of Mormon I have had thoughts to give these things away and I have been been impressed to give certain things to certain people. I have also felt moved to increase my fast offering. I kind of feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants but I feel sure that this will all work out. I just have no idea how.

The last time I read the BOM on a time schedule I received so many blessings in my life. It was a really hard time and at the end of reading the book that time (Sept 05-Dec 05) my entire life had changed. So MANY wonderful changes occurred. I am not expecting those miracles to happen again. I know they are possible. I know that the Lord loves me and my family. He has a way for our family prepared. I am hoping...

Ken says he feels like the Brother of Jared. He just has to figure out the way to light the ship. I challenge all of you to read the Book of Mormon. The greatest blessings of my life have come when I have chosen to draw closer to the Lord.

Last Sunday we also had an opportunity to attend a very special baby blessing. Sweet Ryelee Mae was blessed by her father at the home of her maternal grandparents. Ryelee was born May 14 at about 26 weeks gestation. The fact that she is alive and thriving is a miracle. We are so blessed to have her as part of our family.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love your positive attitude. Things will work out. I think it's awesome that you are reading the BoM so quickly. I read it in 3 weeks when I was pregnant with Ella. I really think you get something special out of it by reading it in such a short time. You make more connections between people and events. Or atleast I did.

I read the Twin Falls dedication prayer in the church news! It was so awesome!

Also, the church news had a article on the new Nursery Manual that has come out called "Behold Your Little Ones". They say it's great for FHE as well. I heard some Mom bought it and she handed the book to one of her older children and he was able to open the book and did a lesson from it all on his own for FHE. I don't know how old he is but that is cool! I am getting one for our family.