Friday, October 17, 2008

I have been busy...

We had SNOW last Friday! Can you believe it? I love the fall and I love the snow. It just lasted a few hours and then we went back into the 70's this week. It was a nice winter preview. I got out my pumpkin candle and began to think about Thanksgiving.

Ken got a job! Yay! He started 2 weeks ago but we just got his first check today so now it feels more real :) It is the same type of work - testing printers at HP as a Manpower Contractor. It pays almost what his last job did. We made some adjustments in our budget and we are making it work.

Do you remember these? My parents used to buy them when I was a kid. They were sold at Costco and they were cheap so we got to have them a few times. I loved them. Sunshine Cookies was bought by someone a few years ago so they stopped making Hydrox. There was a huge response from the public asking them to bring them back. They did but just for a little while this year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the cookie. I bought some last month and ate them with delight. YUM!

Other cookies that might go away are Mothers Cookies & Archway Cookies. They quietly went bankrupt a few weeks ago due to the credit crunch. Buy your Animal cookies and Taffy cookies while you can (those were my favorite). I also like the Archway Mud Pie Cookies. I cannot believe that my kids might not grow up with these favorites as I have. How will I make mom's famous carousel cake??? I wish they had just put out a plea - I could have spared $10.00 to get them through and I am sure there are at least a hundred thousand others that could have as well. I seriously hope that someone buys them or they can come back from their financial disaster to make some more cookies. :(

The kids are all doing well in school. Brady is loving preschool and is reading 3-4 letter words now. Emmalisa is so happy most of the time that when she does have a bad day it takes me by surprise. She is writing more at school now and struggles with that. Sebastian had his 3rd grade singing program last Thursday. He is a really good singer. MaKayla is navigating the mine field that is the 5th grade social intricacies. Getting along with your girlfriends at that age is hard. Some are more mature than others and there are so many changes to face. We have long talks about what is right - there is a lot of pressure to behave in a certain way. Some of the kids in her class are "going out". That freaks me out. We talk about waiting to date until 16.

I think that is the update for now. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Last night I had a dream...

I died. I woke up crying and I cried the whole time I was in the shower. In the dream I had a little time with Brady and I held him and cried that I would not be the one to raise him and how sad that was. I got to call one of my sisters and tell her how I wanted the funeral to be. That was it, I was gone.

I write to you about this because it is my way of making sure that the dream doesn't happen and if/when it does you will all know how I feel. I shall start at the top:

Dad- you have been the best father I could have ever hoped for. You have been an amazing example and have always had wise counsel for me in all my life adventures. You are the greatest and I am so grateful for the upbringing you have given me.

My dear sisters - you have made my life! You are the best of friends and I can't wait to go on though out eternity being as close as we are now. I hope they have phones in heaven so I can call you like I do now - or maybe we could live close (all 4 of us). Please dress me in my two piece temple dress. Even if I die later in life and the dress doesn't fit well, just zip the zipper as far as you can and call it good :) That is my favorite dress and if I only get one outfit to wear for a really long time I want it to be that one. Don't forget my bra either.

My dear brothers - Please make sure that you arrange your life in a way that we can be together in heaven. I know that both of you are not close with the gospel at this time in your lives. You both know that it is true. Do not let the atonement be a gift that you don't open. It is there for you, let it change your life as it has mine. Ed - who cares if there are too many hypocrites at church. Ignore them and go for yourself. No one is beyond redemption.

My wonderful husband - You are amazing! I love you and I want you to be so happy. Please find a way to locate me when you get there. There will be a lot of people and it will be hard but please keep looking. I will look for you too. Don't let your hurts keep you from being your best. I wish you didn't have to go through all the hard times. I hope that you get to work at a job you love sometime in your life. I hope you get all the camera stuff you want.

Kayla, Lisa, Bastian - you are my wonderful children - I hope I get to keep you for always. Your life is so hard because you are torn between two homes that are worlds apart. People who should be a righteous example to you are not. They will tell you to do what feels good and ignore the teaching of the church. Don't. Choose the Right. The Lord will not let you down. I love you!

Brady - I think I love you more than my whole life. I never imagined how amazing it would be to be your mom. I cherish every second I have with you. I want you to be a very strong boy and grow up to show others the way. I hope that one day you will attend a mission and graduate from college. Always stay close to the Lord, you will have nothing to fear if you do. I will be with you constantly to watch over you. Love, Mommy

Marnie - You are the my best friend. We have been together since 3rd grade through thick and thin. I love you and I will be waiting when you get there :)

Ingrid - the sister I never had. I can't wait to see you again. We can talk and eat French pasties together. I miss you in my life.

Katie McFall - You are like a baby I gave for adoption. I loved being your nanny. I still feel bonded to you like you are my child. It has been so cool to see you grow up. Live life to the fullest and be so happy. You have great parents - I love you all.

My step & extended family - there are so many of you and most of you are not living close to me. You are wonderful people. I am glad I met/got to know each of you. I can't wait to have a big family reunion in heaven to see each other again.

To my friends from the many wards I attended- Thanks for becoming my friends and showing be how to be a better person. It seems that most of the ladies I have met at church are so much better than me. Thanks for the example.

My friends at CMS - there are so many of you. I think working there was the best job I have ever had. I miss hanging out. I will look for you in heaven.

Sorry if this has been a downer to read. I feel better now. I plan to be at least a hundred years old when I die, I don't want to miss anything.

Love, Cindy