Friday, October 17, 2008

I have been busy...

We had SNOW last Friday! Can you believe it? I love the fall and I love the snow. It just lasted a few hours and then we went back into the 70's this week. It was a nice winter preview. I got out my pumpkin candle and began to think about Thanksgiving.

Ken got a job! Yay! He started 2 weeks ago but we just got his first check today so now it feels more real :) It is the same type of work - testing printers at HP as a Manpower Contractor. It pays almost what his last job did. We made some adjustments in our budget and we are making it work.

Do you remember these? My parents used to buy them when I was a kid. They were sold at Costco and they were cheap so we got to have them a few times. I loved them. Sunshine Cookies was bought by someone a few years ago so they stopped making Hydrox. There was a huge response from the public asking them to bring them back. They did but just for a little while this year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the cookie. I bought some last month and ate them with delight. YUM!

Other cookies that might go away are Mothers Cookies & Archway Cookies. They quietly went bankrupt a few weeks ago due to the credit crunch. Buy your Animal cookies and Taffy cookies while you can (those were my favorite). I also like the Archway Mud Pie Cookies. I cannot believe that my kids might not grow up with these favorites as I have. How will I make mom's famous carousel cake??? I wish they had just put out a plea - I could have spared $10.00 to get them through and I am sure there are at least a hundred thousand others that could have as well. I seriously hope that someone buys them or they can come back from their financial disaster to make some more cookies. :(

The kids are all doing well in school. Brady is loving preschool and is reading 3-4 letter words now. Emmalisa is so happy most of the time that when she does have a bad day it takes me by surprise. She is writing more at school now and struggles with that. Sebastian had his 3rd grade singing program last Thursday. He is a really good singer. MaKayla is navigating the mine field that is the 5th grade social intricacies. Getting along with your girlfriends at that age is hard. Some are more mature than others and there are so many changes to face. We have long talks about what is right - there is a lot of pressure to behave in a certain way. Some of the kids in her class are "going out". That freaks me out. We talk about waiting to date until 16.

I think that is the update for now. :)

1 comment:

Annette said...

Cindy, you have just caused a calamity in my home. I thought to check out your blog (for the 2nd time) while the girls were in the tub. Let me preface this with I have two major addictions. The first is Wilcox Egg Nog. Every year I go to Costco and load up on the big jugs of it. This year they have gone out of the milk business and I am frantically trying to find a replacement and no luck yet.

My second addition is...Archway Gingersnap Cookies!! Everytime we go camping Perry sabotages me and buys the huge bag and I eat the whole thing. I can't stop. Now what am I to do?!? Thanks for your heads-up. I will be purchasing some tonight.