Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Part 2

Merry Christmas All!

We have had a great day filled with presents and Asian food. Why Asian food you ask? Because we had traditional Christmas dinner last night at Ken's parents house. We loved it but wanted something different so we got an assortment of dishes and prepared them including: lettuce wraps, yakitori chicken, Kung Pao Chicken, Sesame Ginger Chicken, Pad Thai Noodles, Spicy Peanut Noodles, Pork and Seeds and Pumpkin Pie. Ok the pie wasn't Asian but we didn't have pie for dessert last night and we need pie for Christmas.

Santa was very generous with us this Christmas and we all had lots to open. Ken said he didn't know what to get me. He said I am picky (really?). We went to Target together and I put several things I liked into the cart. I told him I would walk away and he could choose things from the basket and I would be surprised and he wouldn't have to guess. He just bought it all. No complaints here, I loved all of it :)

I think I surprised Ken with a few things and the kids had enough presents that they didn't know that we have been on a Christmas Diet this year. We spent less overall than in years past.

I think a good time was had by all. I have enjoyed talking on the phone with many of you and I hope that you have had a very merry Christmas. Best wishes to all of us in the New Year. Hopefully we will be in better economic times next Christmas. We love and miss our extended family and wish them all the best. We would love to see you in the next year. Who knows what 2009 will hold for our families.

Much Love, Cindy

Christmas Day Part 1

A couple of weeks ago my family and I were invited to two different White Elephant Parties. Ken dreads these because he said he always comes home with junk. I love them. The first party we went to Ken scored this cool "immunity idol" knife. I got the Reindeer Poo (whoppers). The second party Ken and I both got HUGE size chocolate bars and the kids all got something that they liked. It was fun at both parties.

Most people I talked to wanted to know what to bring to these things. I will tell you some of the things that showed up at the parties we went to so next time you get roped into going you know just what to wrap.

2 live gold fish swimming in a mason jar with a bottle of tartar sauce and a fork.
2 plastic ice cream bowls and a scoop in a hideous bag
a water filter system and an extra filter
an old Shirley Temple VHS tape
a flu test
Love Darts game for your spouse
BBQ set (fun in the dead of winter)
2 HUGE stuffed animals
a set of coasters
1 large can of baked beans and an air freshener
a Toiletry Kit
an iTunes gift card
VHS learn to read tapes
free stuff with company logos on it
extra diapers
a puzzle that has been opened
an exercise band

These were all fun gifts that I saw. So next time you get the White Elephant invite come to my blog and look over what others have done and hopefully you come home with something fun.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

'Tis the Season

Last night the kids decorated the gingerbread house. I hate them so they are not a temptation to me. I do, however, love almost all other holiday foods. I think of them throughout the year and long for the pumpkin pie and snack mix and homemade carmels that symbolize the Christmas time for me. I have many days blocked out for parties and other events that will have delicious opportunities to eat. It is only December 4th. I even have the candy for the stockings purchased. All my favorites are waiting in the closet for their turn. I love food!

My husband doesn't get excited about food the way I do. He has no concept of how much I look forward to the yumminess. I think of events and look forward to the food almost more than the people I will see, that is how much I like it. I secretly think I have a different DNA strand than others because I enjoy food so much.

I went to my Weight Watchers meeting today (I have been a member since spring of 2005). I am at a healthy weight and I plan to balance my food love with my desire to have my clothes fit next month. In the meeting there are other food lovers like me. We try hard to eat the right amount of food and support each other. The most important thing I get out of the meetings is the accountability. I have to stand on a scale and look at the number. I can go for weeks in denial, eating too much, and not face it. Weight Watchers taught me that I need to face reality if I had any plans of changing things.

This time of year I really miss my mom. She loved Christmas and was always sewing and creating many gifts in preparation for the big day. She had many health problems due in great part to choices she made with food. I want to be around for MANY years to come. I want to see my kids have grey hair and I want to hold my great grandkids. In order for this to happen I am taking measures now to ensure my body's strength and health for years to come.

Maybe some of you are looking to make a change in the new year. I have some friends that are giving up on things until after January 1. They say it is too hard to diet in the mean time. I have learned I can do hard things. Starting now or starting next month doesn't really matter. Starting is the important thing. I want my family members and loved ones to live a long time with me. Please take care of yourself... I don't know how I could make it without you. :)
