Saturday, November 29, 2008

15 Years ago yesterday...

My baby Katie was born. She wasn't really my baby. I was 18 years old and I became her nanny. Katie was a tiny little thing when I first saw her. She was just over 6 lbs when she was born and when I met her she didn't seem much bigger. She was a delight to care for. I loved and took her places. We started out just hanging out and she slept a lot. Soon she got a little bigger and she we took a baby massage class. I learned to massage her to soothe her and we both liked it. A couple of months after that we joined a baby swim class and then a Gymboree class. We did everything together all day long. We both had light hair so when I was out with her people thought she was mine. I loved being a nanny.

I lived with Katie and her awesome parents for almost a year and a half. It was one of the best jobs I ever had. Over the years I have seen Katie some and we have talked on the phone. I still like to keep tabs on what she is up to. She has become a young lady overnight (it seems to me). I have a hard time believing that it was so long ago that I looked into her tiny face and fell in love. I have since gone on to have my own baby and I recalled my experience with Katie. She helped me to learn how to be a mommy.

Katie, I hope your birthday was the best. Hopefully you got some cool presents. I miss seeing you and I wish that you and I lived closer. I haven't been to you part of Oregon in such a long time. How I would love to get together sometime. I hope that school is going well and you are doing well with your friends and parents. You have two of the best parents in the world. I hope the best for you this year, as you are learning how to drive. Your life is wide open to wonderful possibilities.

Happy Birthday,

Julie - You are the Best!

I hope your birthday cake looked as good as this one! I spoke to you briefly on the phone yesterday to wish you Happy Birthday. You were gonna call me back... :) It is fine, I can call you on another day when you are less busy.

I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love you. You are the best older sister a girl could have. You have always set the example of how I should live my life. I admire your strength and fortitude. You have had to endure some tough things in your life and lately things seem harder than ever. I wish that you could have everything that you ever wanted. I hope that in the next year of your life you are able to see beyond the mountain in front of you. There is an amazing view after the hard climb over. I know that it seems impossible from where you stand now, but you are so strong. You can move from the crazy work and the heartache that seems unbearable. You will move on to a new place in your life and it is going to be great! I love you tons and I am wishing the very best to you in the next year of your life. There is so much possibility and you will amaze yourself with what you can do! Thank you for always being there for me, you give such great advice.

There was an old sitcom episode where the character set out to have the year all about them. Let this be the YEAR OF JULIE! Make it count because you will never have another one like it.

Happy Birthday,