Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Tee-Bee

Today is my sister Tracy's birthday. She is still a twenty-something (lucky!). Tracy was born last in our family and I remember when she came home. I recall how tiny she seemed. I remember thinking that she was too perfect to belong to our family. She was a very tender hearted child. Often she would empathize so much with others she would cry on their behalf. Mom always made us cut her slack on that. Tracy had to grow up early. With our mom's illnesses, someone had to be caretaker. Most of the older ones were out of the house and off living our own lives and Tracy got to be the one to help out the most in her teen years.

Tracy lived with me 4 times other than when we were growing up. She has always been rock solid in her testimony and her devotion. She is so loving and caring of others. Tracy made choices in her life that have made me look up to her. She has shown me the way to be instead of the other way around. Most of the times I lived with Tracy after I was an adult was when I was going through great personal trauma. She always had a listening ear and had great insights into my dilemmas. We have been roommates through thick and thin.

We worked together at my last job and she grew that little job into the career that she now flourishes in. One of the things I have always admired about her is her persistence. Many times I would have quit on things had I been in her shoes. She keeps on going and stays positive about the future. Somehow she balances a huge workload and service with church and time with friends and family.

Tracy is the best auntie on the planet. She remembers birthdays and Christmas for her many nieces and nephews. She attends all the events that she can from soccer games to dance recitals.

Tracy is also supportive of me when secretly she thinks I am making a crazy choice. She loves me unconditionally and never says "I told you so".

We don't live close anymore but I am confident that someday we will again. We share a love of rodeo and purses, shoes and fashion and people watching. We also share a sense of humor and a love of Jane Austin and book reading.

It is amazing the sisterhood that we share. We all (4 of us) came into the world so different yet there are not any 3 other women I would want to be with forever. May we all live on the same block in heaven!

I love you Tee Bee and I hope your day is awesome. I know you have many goals for the new year and I want you to know that this is the year that you conquer your foes and have one of the best years of your life. Cool having a birthday at the end of the year, you can set all of your resolutions at the same time! Last year at the end of the year we talked about our goals for 2009. I remember our conversation. Aim high for 2010. It is a new decade and you deserve the very best.

Love, Cindy


Teebee said...

Thanks Cindy, I love you too!! I am exited to see you and your new little one soon. I am so greatful that Mom and Dad decided to have just one more. It means the world to me to be apart of the Collective!

Sara said...

You are right Cindy, Tracy is the greastest! We were always the best of friends growing up, doing everything together. Through my difficult years we were not as close as we were but she was always my friend and an example to me. She is a rock in the gospel and has always chose the right even when faced with temptation.

She IS the very greatest aunt in the world! She is my kids 2nd Mom. They love her so much they take advantage of her and just expect her to always be at their soccer games, birthdays and dance recitals. I don't know what they will do if/when she moves away some day!

Tracy, you DO deserve the very best! I truly hope 2010 gives you everything you hope for. You are AWESOME Tracy and I love you (but I am sure you already know that because, after all, you ARE part of the collective!)