Friday, February 13, 2009

Stepmom - multiple post day

With my personality type, I like to do things myself. I feel (generally) that you will not do it as well as me and that you will not do it the way that I want it done. Please don't take offense. I think this about everyone. It usually takes a long time to explain how I want it done and even then - it could be misunderstood. I don't like trusting coworkers to do things for me because (invariably) they will make me look bad. I don't delegate. I pack our entire family for trips. I think I am this way because I have been let down a lot by others. I know others in my family are afflicted with this also. I know that this is a flaw of mine.

Becoming a stepmom has been my Heavenly Father's way of teaching me to let go. I have children that don't listen to me the way that Brady does. I have kids that like to cook in the kitchen and I know that they aren't going to do it how I would. The other day Kayla wanted to make cookies. I dread things like this. Having been though this same thing once before with a bad outcome, I said go ahead and I stayed in the living room reading my book. Kayla found the recipe and all the ingredients and put the cookies together. She then made balls and put them on the pan. All of them. The entire recipe. This was the result. I called them Kayla's Famous Honeycomb Cookies. I told my husband that he should be proud of me because I stayed out of it the whole time. I could have prevented this. I could have made beautiful round cookies all the same size and color. Instead Kayla learned a lesson about reading the recipe carefully when it says to place the cookies 2 inches apart. Today when she was making cookies she asked how far apart that was. I told her it was about three finger widths and showed her. She made cookies today that were perfect and round.


Sandi said...

The honeycomb cookies look great! Some of the best inventions have been when a serendipidous event occured & things didn't quite turn out as planned.

You do share some personality characteristics with your dad. He's a guardian, a caretaker. He has a strong desire to take care of people and see to their needs. I so appreciate him and the love he shares.

I also enjoy exploration. I love figuring things out, learning & doing for myself. it's the journey, not the finished product that is so fulfilling.

Sara said...

I have the same problem! It's really hard to let kids do things sometimes when you KNOW things are going to go terribly wrong. I think we learn a lot by letting go just as they learn by doing it themselves.