Monday, August 31, 2009


This year it seems that many miracles have occurred in my life. We are having a surprise baby, the timing is great! This year Ken has been furloughed for many weeks. Our income has been more unsteady than ever.

The first furlough was in April and we had some income from our tax return that we were able to use to get by while we had no income. The second furlough was in July and we were better prepared for it. We had planned and we were ready. It was then that the miracle of couponing came in so wonderfully. We were able to cut our budget to bare minimums and get by just fine. It was also with this furlough that we found out I was pregnant and we had no insurance. A HUGE miracle occurred when we qualified for Medicaid. We have coverage for me and the baby. About this time we also qualified for some other programs due to unemployment. Those have been miracles!

During early July we were able to go visit family and stay at a beach house- miracles made possible by generous family members. We had a man out to look at our noisy air conditioner and while he was here he checked out the furnace. Miraculously both are doing great and are mechanically sound enough to keep on going. Both are so old that they should have been replaced years ago.

I applied to get Brady into the school where the older kids go. I didn't find out until about the last minute but he was accepted to attend that school.

We had a problem with our bank and it was clear we needed to find a new bank immediately. I worked hard to find a new bank and we wanted to move our credit card too. With Ken's reduced income this year we didn't qualify through the new bank for more credit (even though we just wanted to transfer an existing balance). I didn't know what to do. The answer to my prayer came in the mail the next day. Everything worked out perfectly.

I needed some new parts to my wardrobe to fit my growing body. I had been looking at thrift stores but there are somethings that are best purchased new. I also needed a maternity winter coat (re: expensive). My angel of a mother in law gave me enough money for my birthday to purchase all the needed items :)

We have survived MANY weeks of no income yet somehow there is enough money to pay for the things that we need. I have kept a spreadsheet showing income and expenses. Most of the time to total has looked red in the future. Somehow by the time that day comes, we are not negative. Something always works out.

We have even had bonus things that have allowed us to pay for things we had not expected. Ken scored some over time that will allow us to take care of a couple of old bills that had been lingering due to our limited means. We have been so blessed! Every time I have asked for something it has been answered. Many times the answer is more than I asked for. We have been afforded luxury in our times of unemployment instead of hardship.

We were given a pass to attend the YMCA through the end of October. Not a need but a really nice blessing. I had a major test done on my blood because I am an older mom. The test was for abnormalities in our baby. The results were negative for all the things they were testing for. Our baby appears in perfect health despite it's "elderly" mother.

More times than I can count I have gone to a store looking for something and miraculously it is there (thrift shopping can be hit or miss sometimes) or on sale (at a regular store).

Ken started a new monthlong job today. We do not know what he will be doing as of Oct. 1st. He has hated what he does since I have known him. Today he was actually excited about the stuff he will be doing for this month. He has also had many people tell him how amazing he is at work. It is hard for him because the contract work he has been doing keeps ending and he keeps getting laid off. It is hard to endure such lows. The praise of his superiors is really nice to hear. We are hoping that something opens up for us in the coming weeks.

Ken has also been watching his weight since the first part of August. In his family heart disease and high blood pressure are sure killers. He has been walking and watching his diet and is down 21 lbs so far. Miracle.

I am sure that I am forgetting at least a few miracles that have happened. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who knows my needs and answers my prayers. He has worked so many miracles in my life (not just recently either).

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