Thursday, September 2, 2010

Well the summer is over and the kids are in school...

Time to update the blog...

Several of my family members have been sad that I haven't posted pictures of Sara Jane in awhile. One even claims that they couldn't pick her out of a line-up. Come on, just pick the one that looks most like Ken and Bingo, that is my girl :)

So here are the pics starting with the oldest ones:

Sara Jane can sit up with out support, clap, giggle, roll over, army crawl, yell, go to sleep by herself and is working on sitting up from laying on the floor.

Sara eats 3 meals a day with plenty of nursing in between. Sara has a DEFINITE preference for mom or dad over anyone else. She screamed the house down at Grandmas when we dared leave her. As soon as she is in mommy or daddy's arms she is fine. She hates most everyone else. Sara loves meat and whatever we are eating. Sara loves the bath and the shower. She doesn't love the car seat.

Sara has 4 bottom teeth that sprouted (bottom right 6/17/10, bottom left 6/21/10, side bottom right 8/1/10, side bottom left 8/8/10). We anticipate the arrival of the top two front teeth soon.

In the past day or so Sara has taken to acting really funny when she sees someone she loves. She throws herself around with arms and legs and body back. She smiles big and makes noise so they come closer. When daddy comes home he must come to her or she gets really mad. If he comes and says hi and then walks down the hall she protests. She is really funny. Sara is really sweet and a joy to our whole family. We are sure happy she is our baby.

1 comment:

Sara said...

So cute! And you looks very cute, happy and SKINNY! I think the picture of Sara that is 4th up from the bottom looks like you too. Keep postin pictures - I love them!